Urban Commons Lab


Through organizing symposia and conferences, Urban Commons Lab contributes to the building of knowledge and professional networks for the advancement of community engagement and placemaking practices. We are an active participant in the Pacific Rim Community Design Network and have helped with the coordination of the conferences since its establishment.

Selected Events:

Linkou 3490 Public Art Forum Series (2021~2023)

APRU-SCL Working Group: Civic Engagement & Community Design (2022)

Back to the Field? Community Design after COVID-19 (2021)

Decolonizing Landscape Architecture Education? (2021)

Spaces of Creative Resistance (2021)

Bottom-Up Resilience Webinar Series (2020)

2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)

Democratic Design Without Borders (2015)

Pacific Rim Community Design Network Conferences (ongoing)

Trascultural Cities Symposium (2011)

(Re)constructing Communities: the 5th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network (2004)