Urban Commons Lab

A Dialogue Must Take Place

Curated by Stefan Gruber and Chun Zheng, this virtual exhibition was part of the Tbilisi Architectural Biennial 2020. With contributions by Ghalya Alsanea; Ahmed Ansari; Tatiana Bilbao; Mónica Chuji, Grimaldo Rengifo and Eduardo Gudynas; Johannes Heimrath; Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti; Jeffery Hou; Eleni Katrini and Aristodimos Komninos; Joar Nango; Brook Teklehaimanot; and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, the exhibition highlights the different linguistic and cultural notions of commons.

Focusing on the Hoklo Taiwanese term of Tsò-hué (作伙) that suggests togetherness, company, and collectivity, this contribution focuses on a relational understanding of commons and commoning. The case of Nanji Rice, a social hub that emerged in the basement of an aging resettlement apartment complex, was presented here to illustrate the multiple processes of commoning and how they activated a forgotten corner of Taipei. The case also provided renewed meanings and understanding of Tsò-hué and commoning in contemporary Taiwan. [Exhibition Website]

A Dialogue Must Take Place, Tbilisi Architectural Biennial (2020). Contributor/ Jeffrey Hou; Photos/ Jeffrey Hou and Peter Hou. Special Thanks to Nanji Rice and IMMA.