Pacific Rim Community Design Network
Working Conferences: Launched in 1998, the Pacific Rim Community Design Network brings together community design scholars and practitioners from countries around the Pacific Rim through its regular conferences. Through conferences and joint projects, the network has provided a vehicle for collaboration and mutual support, as well as a forum for a comparative understanding of community design in the fast-changing political and social context of the Pacific Rim. Network members now span from Asia-Pacific to North America, in countries including Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United States. [Link]
Volunteer Coordinator/ Jeff Hou. Conference Organizers/ Im Sik CHO and Beng Kiang TAN (Singapore 2018), Mee Kam NG (Hong Kong 2016), Shenglin CHANG, Chao-Ching YU, Fuchang TSAI, Shumei HUANG, Liz Maly (Taiwan 2014), Kyung Jin ZOH (Seoul 2012), Mayumi HAYASHI (Awajishima 2010), Dan Abramson (Quanzhou 2007), Jeff HOU (Seattle 2004), Jackie KWOK (Hong Kong 2002), John K.C. LIU (Matzu 2001), Yoshiharu ASANOUMI (Saitama 1999), Randolph T. HESTER, Jr. (Berkeley 1998).