Growing Hing Hay Park
A Place for all: Located at the heart of Seattle’s Chinatown International District, Hing Hay Park has been an important space of celebration for the community. Funds from the Parks levies provided the opportunity to acquire the adjacent property formerly leased to the U.S. Postal Service and expand the footprint of the park. The design team of MIG SvR and Turenscape was hired in 2013 and worked with the Friends of Hing Hay Park to develop the design that would integrate the new addition to the existing park. With a place for everyone, a place for celebration, and a place for the future as the main concepts, the park addition was completed in 2017. The design has won awards from APA Washington Chapter, ASLA Washington Chapter, and Seattle Neighborhood Greenways. [Seattle Department of Parks & Recreation]
Friends of Hing Hay Park and Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation (Completed 2017). Co-chairs/ Tuck Eng and Jeff Hou. Design Team/ MIG SvR, Turenscape. Community Consultant/ WILD Program, Inter*Im Community Development Association. Fabrication/ Studio Fifty50. Public Artist (Artistic Sign)/ George Lee. Community Partner/ Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority. (Images: MIG SvR, Jeff Hou)